Mon 27 Jan
!*★* TaStY*♡* EyE CaNdY*★ SiMpLy THE BesT *★*! WeeKdAy Specials All WeeK - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
★ §tOp ClIcK hErE★ ೋ SOFT ೋ SENSUAL ೋ SEXY * 24/7. *SPECIALS* - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
~*:. ☆ .:*~Wednesdays Wicked Specials ~*:. ☆ .:*~ A ☎ Away Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
The REAL Deal 18 DOWN SoUtH G : : ¡ : : R : : L Next DOOR.. CaN U HaNDlE mE??? - 18
(Rockford, rckfd, roscoe, belvidere, freeport, I90)
(***SMOKING HOTT***) EXOTIC NEW BEAUTY Come see for yourself 100% REAL - 21
(Rockford, Rocford , Freeport & Surrounding)
*¨¨*-:¦:- SiMpLy InToXiCaTiNg! *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 20
(Rockford, Loves Park,Beloit,Belvidere,Freeport)
♋ ⚠vailable NOW ⚠LLNiGhT ♋ SWeeTER THaN CaNDy 🍬 ♋ ⚡SHoCKiNG ⚡ ♋ 🔆 24/7 🔆 ♋ - 24
(Rockford, Freeport, Loves Park, Dekalb, Belvidere)
~!~*~!~ Sweet ~!~*~!~ Juicy ~!~*~!~ Mature ~!~*~!~ Sexy ~!~*~!~ Luscious Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
» -(¯`v´¯)- » A UNIQUE ❤ UNFORGETTABLE ❤ FRIDAY ☎ LENA NoW for $$ OfF - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
💋❣Taylor💋❣ Beautiful Exotic Green Eyed German...Very Experienced💋💋 - 42
(Rockford, Rockford,Freeport,Rochelle & surrounding)
✿Swing On In For Sizzling Saturday Specials! ✿ * Warm Up With Christy!!* - 45
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
~*:. ☆ .:*~Sundy 1/2 off Specials Satisfied ~*:. ☆ .:*~ A ☎ Away Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
((★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG!* ★ ))(( __*1OO% ME! NEW PICS*__ (( ★ BeAuTiFul*)) - 24
(Rockford, Rockford, Freeport, Dekalb, Belvidere ,)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ __✖ NOBODY ✖ COMPARES ✖ __ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ❤ - 22
(Rockford, rockford hosting outcalls incalls)
My B-D * a * Y LeTs C * e * L * e * B * r * A * t * E - 21
(Rockford, rockford, beloit, freeport, sterling)
-:+:- {{MmMm}} -:+:- °M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° -:+:- ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° -:+:- {{MmMm}}-:+:- - 36
merissa is back. incall and outcall avail. 150h outcall varies - 30
(Rockford, chicago.wisconsin, freeport)
❀ ° ❀ Let Santas Lil Helper Lena ☃☃ Free You With Freezing Friday Specials - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K ☞ WonderFuLL WednesDaY SpEcIaLs ×X× Luscious Lena ×X× - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
merissa is ready to have you walk out with a smile. holiday specials - 29
(Rockford, freeport/ rockford / incall and outcall)
iM 5 🌟RaTeD 👀15YRS EXP 💲165💲HR ReaL.ReCenT&Rea;👅 PiCs i LoVe WhaT i Do & ThaT MaTTeRs - 42
(Rochelle,freeport,Decalb,whole ILcall💋, Rockford)
Sun 12 Jan
☆Click 2 See ! 100% Me Or It's FREE☆ Fabulous Friday Fun A ☎ Away Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
I * t * S M * y B-D * a * Y & LeTs C * e * L * e * B * r * A * t * E - 21
(Rockford, rockford, beloit, freeport, sterling)
perfect way to spend your time. come meet merissa and walk out with a smile. - 29
(Rockford, freeport/ rockford / incall and outcall)
*✰* 100$P3C!@L *✰* sMoKiN *HOT* bLoNdE *✰* B@Ck !N T0wN *✰* - 20
(Rockford, Loves Park,Beloit,Belvidere,Freeport)
Sat 11 Jan
*~~~* My Pleasure is Making ~Sure You are ~Happy*~~~* *★*! Wed. Night Specials U Cant miss - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
come see merissa/ petite and fun . 70$ and 100 specials - 29
(Rockford, freeport/ rockford / incall and outcall)
MERISSA is Here! Let Me WarM Up Your Night !!! if your looking 4 heather her new number is in my ad - 23
:¦:-* LT Me ★ FiNiSH WHÂT ★ Y0UR YS ★ STÂRTD *-:¦:-* SEXY JORDAN ★ - 25
(Rockford, Rockford Freeport Beloit Janeville)
merissa is avail for freeport or rockford / outcalls welcome - 29
(Rockford, freeport/ rockford / incall and outcall)
marissa is avail in freeport/ discounts for regulars/ unrushed and always satisfying:) - 29
merissa is ready to have you walk out with a smile. new pics - 29
(Rockford, freeport/ rockford / incall and outcall)
❤.* L✪ ✪K Here NeW PiCS*.❤ Satisfying Specials A ☎ Away Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
** Let me be your little secret ** ~ Hunny~ *Ask Bout my $pe¢ials*" GF XPERIENCE - 23
(Rockford, Rockford,freeport,beloit,Illinois)
☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K ☞ WonderFuLL Weekend SpEcIaLs ×X× Luscious Lena ×X× - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
$$$$hi guys!!! im new in town and my name is Carmel guys only$$$ serious callers only - 20
(Rockford, Rockford,freeport,beloit,Illinois)
-:¦:- * Experienced Mature Playmate ¨*-:¦:- Recent Pics ★ # ❶ Specials Lena - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
Big Breasted.... Young..... Open minded and willing - 18 - 18
(Rockford, Rockford , belevdere ,Freeport)
SPECIAL!💯% R E A L🐝 ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆ 🙈🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 👅💦 5⃣⭐️ S - 20
(Rockford, Rockford/lovesprk/harvard/freeport/roche)
🎀EvERyTHiNG 🌟👙 YoU 🍑💄 ARe L👀KiNg 🐝🔥FoR 🌊 iS 🌴 RiGHt 🔐 HeRe💗💋 U! 👑💘 - 20
(Rfrd/lovesprk/Freeport/DeKalb/Huntley, Rockford)
🎀Come Squeeze 🍑 No 🙅Tease 💋💋 Naughty Is the New Nice💋💋 💜 Guaranteed 5 🌟 performance! - 21
(Rockford, Rockford,belevdere,lovespark,freeport)
SPECIAL!💯% R E A L🐝 ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆ 🙈🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 👅💦 5⃣⭐️ Service - 20
(Rkfrd/lovesprk/freeport/DeKalb/dixonEct, Rockford)
💜💜 Girl Next Door 💜💜💜All Natural💜💜 Pretty Face💜💜💜 - 21 - 21
(Rkfrd/lovesprk/freeport/DeKalb/dixonEct, Rockford)
Fri 10 Jan
Busty, Blonde Glamazon Goddess Victoria Valkyrie Unforgettable Experience! - 32
(Freeport In/Out, Rockford)
merissa is ready to have you walk out with a smile. 70$ and 100 specials. - 29
(Rockford, freeport/ rockford / incall and outcall)
*~~~* My Pleasure is Making ~Sure You are ~Happy*~~~* *★*! WeeKdAy Specials All WeeK - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
[░💜░]Ⓣop Ⓝotch Ⓟleaser>[░💜░] Tastefully •°°•►ExOtIc [░💜░]Hot Visiting - 21
(Rockford, Rockford, Freeport, Dekalb, Belvidere ,)
merissa is available come see this petite hottie/ no regrets/ im avail for rockford - 29
(Rockford, FREEPORT/ rockford/ lets have fun)
L {✰} {✰} K > ReAl PiCs ♥ . *»} iNdulGe iN mE*;} 24/7 ☎ LENA NoW - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
••✿•✰ LeT ✰ Me ✰ WorK ✰ My ✰ MaGiC✰• ✿OUTCALL♥♡ )Petite Exotic Upscale w Flawless 🎆100% real pics - - 21
(Rockford, Rockford, DeKalb, Freeport,Schaumburg, e)
👀🌴CaLL Me🌴💲165💲HR Im 5🌟 R👅TeD,15YRS EXP,& I LuV What I Do & ThaT MakeS A DIFF - 42
(Rochelle,freeport,Decalb,whole ILcall💋, Rockford)
SPECIAL!💯% R E A L🐝 ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆ 🙈🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 👅💦 5⃣⭐️ S - 20
(Rockford, Rockford/lovesprk/harvard/freeport/roche)
L◕ ‿ ◕K *:; :*¨: S*XY° M*TURE °♥ LaDY * ✧ * 24/7 *SPECIALS* - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
ItS My B-D * a * Y & LeTs C * e * L * e * B * r * A * t * E - 21
(Rockford, rockford, beloit, freeport, sterling)
☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K ☞ TerRiFiC TuEsDaY SpEcIaLs ×X× Luscious Lena ×X× - 40
(Rockford Rochelle Freeport etc.)
available in rockford and freeport. 120 and 80$$$ specials today - 29
(Rockford, freeport/ rockford / incall and outcall)
💜💜 Girl Next Door 💜💜💜All Natural💜💜 Pretty Face💜💜💜 - 21 - 21
(Rkfrd/lovesprk/freeport/DeKalb/dixonEct, Rockford)
Big Breasted.... Young..... Open minded and willing - 18 - 18 - 18
(Rockford, Rockford , belevdere ,Freeport)
AMELIA BANKS the passionate personality companion SURROUNDING all rockford - 23
(belverder rockford freeport jansville al, Rockford)
Thu 09 Jan
NEW ♥Ƹ̵♥ █ YOUR ————# 1 PERFECT ————CHOICE ————BREATHTAKING ———— HoTtie ———█ ♥Ƹ̵̡♥ - 24
(Rockford, Rockford ,loves park , freeport In&Out;)